Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 是Autodesk 公司開發的一款自動計算機輔助設計軟件,可以用於繪制,二維制圖,和基本三維設計,通過它無需懂得編程,即可自動制圖,因此它在全球廣泛使用,可以用於土木建築,裝飾裝潢,工業制圖,工程制圖,電子工業,服裝加工等多方面領域
2017年4月3日 星期一
Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2018 x86/x64
Simplified 2D drafting and documentation - AutoCAD LT® 2D CAD software helps you create 2D drawings faster and with more precision. Available for Windows and Mac. Includes the AutoCAD mobile app.
Comprehensive 2D documentation
Produce 2D documentation and drawings with a comprehensive set of drawing, editing, and annotation tools.
Comprehensive 2D documentation
Produce 2D documentation and drawings with a comprehensive set of drawing, editing, and annotation tools.
Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 x86/x64
The forefront of design - Create stunning designs and improve collaboration with innovative productivity tools in AutoCAD® software. Share your work with TrustedDWG™ technology. Work across connected desktop, cloud, and mobile solutions.
Import PDFs
Import the geometry from a PDF file into your drawing as an AutoCAD object.
Share design views
Collaborate with stakeholders by publishing your drawing views to the cloud.
Smart centerlines and center marks
Use powerful new tools to create and edit them quickly and more intuitively.
Import PDFs
Import the geometry from a PDF file into your drawing as an AutoCAD object.
Share design views
Collaborate with stakeholders by publishing your drawing views to the cloud.
Smart centerlines and center marks
Use powerful new tools to create and edit them quickly and more intuitively.
2017年4月2日 星期日
Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 MacOSX 註冊版附註冊機
Autodesk AutoCAD 2017為世界公認的頂級工業設計軟件,能夠為工業設計師們創造出幾乎任意形式創建逼真的二維和三維設計。完善的性能、更為便捷的使用、更為強大的工具、對多種平臺和設備的支持,所有這些都有助於簡化、連接和個性化您的 AutoCAD 體驗,一切盡在AutoCAD 2017。
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