2017年4月2日 星期日

Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 MacOSX 註冊版附註冊機

Autodesk AutoCAD 2017為世界公認的頂級工業設計軟件,能夠為工業設計師們創造出幾乎任意形式創建逼真的二維和三維設計。完善的性能、更為便捷的使用、更為強大的工具、對多種平臺和設備的支持,所有這些都有助於簡化、連接和個性化您的 AutoCAD 體驗,一切盡在AutoCAD 2017。

全新的Autodesk AutoCAD 2017更是新增了8個特性,包括:

協調模型(已增強)-在現有 BIM 模型環境中進行設計。
AutoCAD 360 Pro 移動應用程序-在移動設備上繪制、編輯和查看二維 CAD 圖形。無時無地與協作者探討設計作品。
共享設計視圖-將二維和三維 CAD 圖形發布到雲,整合雲概念,與時俱進,也是提升效率的必走之路。
導入 PDF-PDF 已添加到“導入文件”格式中,這個功能早應該增加,雖然並非人人所需,但絕對是有這個必要。
三維打印(已增強)-將三維模型發送到三維打印服務,或使用 Print Studio。雖然三維打印未能成為當今工業生產主流,但隨著技術的發展和3D打印材料價格的下降,未來3D打印才是硬道理。

Design every detail with CAD software. AutoCAD® software for 2D and 3D CAD is engineered for the future. Work with TrustedDWG™ technology, and collaborate across desktop, cloud, and mobile. Includes AutoCAD 360 Pro.

New Features:

Import PDFs
Import the geometry from a PDF file into your drawing as an AutoCAD object.

Share design views
Collaborate with stakeholders by publishing your drawing views to the cloud.

Smart centerlines and center marks
Use powerful new tools to create and edit them quickly and more intuitively.

Autodesk desktop app
Get alerts on software updates, and access tutorials, content libraries, and more.

Simplified documentation
Boost detailing work with tools that create measurements based on your drawing context.

Connected design solutions
Connect your CAD workflow across desktop, cloud, and mobile solutions.

Innovative 3D design
Design and visualize virtually any concept with 3D free-form tools.

Personalized experience
Migrate your custom settings and files from previous releases.


